Ace of pentacles prosperity

The Meaning of the Six of Pentacles

The Six of Pentacles: Generosity, Balance, and Giving.

The Six of Pentacles is a card that symbolizes generosity, balance, and the act of giving and receiving. It represents the importance of sharing your wealth, resources, and time with others, as well as finding harmony and fairness in your interactions. In this blog post, we will explore the rich symbolism of the Six of Pentacles, delve into its upright and reversed meanings, and understand its significance in various aspects of life. Additionally, we’ll touch on astrological associations and related card combinations that tarot enthusiasts will find insightful.

Meaning and Symbolism

The Six of Pentacles is typically depicted as a figure holding a set of scales in one hand and distributing coins to two beggars with the other. The imagery emphasizes the themes of generosity, balance, and the equitable distribution of resources.

Key Symbols:

  • Figure with Scales: Represents balance, fairness, and the act of giving and receiving.
  • Coins: Symbolize material wealth, resources, and the importance of sharing with others.
  • Beggars: Reflect those in need, highlighting the significance of generosity and support.

Upright Meaning

When the Six of Pentacles appears upright in a tarot reading, it signifies generosity, balance, and the importance of giving and receiving. It embodies the qualities of fairness, compassion, and the willingness to share your resources with others.

Key Elements:

  • Generosity: The Six of Pentacles represents the importance of generosity and the willingness to share your wealth, resources, and time with others.
  • Balance: This card emphasizes the value of finding balance and fairness in your interactions and ensuring that both giving and receiving are in harmony.
  • Compassion: The Six of Pentacles highlights the significance of compassion and the desire to support and uplift those in need.
  • Equity: It signifies the importance of equitable distribution and the fair treatment of others.

Reversed Meaning

In a reversed position, the Six of Pentacles may indicate imbalance, selfishness, or a lack of generosity. It serves as a reminder to reassess your approach and ensure that you are fostering fairness, compassion, and generosity in your interactions.

Key Elements:

  • Imbalance: The reversed Six of Pentacles suggests an imbalance in giving and receiving, highlighting the need to reassess your approach and ensure fairness.
  • Selfishness: This card can indicate selfishness or a reluctance to share your resources, urging you to foster a more generous and compassionate mindset.
  • Exploitation: A warning against exploiting others or being taken advantage of, emphasizing the importance of equitable treatment.
  • Lack of Generosity: The reversed Six of Pentacles warns of a lack of generosity and the need to cultivate a more giving and supportive attitude.

Potential Meanings in Different Aspects of Life

The Six of Pentacles holds different meanings in various areas of life. Let’s explore its significance in love and relationships, career and finances, and personal growth and spirituality.

Love and Relationships

In the realm of love and relationships, the Six of Pentacles represents the importance of balance, generosity, and mutual support. It signifies a relationship built on fairness, compassion, and the willingness to give and receive.

  • Balance: The Six of Pentacles indicates a relationship that requires balance and fairness in giving and receiving. It suggests a partnership where both parties contribute equally and support each other.
  • Generosity: This card highlights the value of generosity and the willingness to share your time, resources, and affection with your partner.
  • Mutual Support: The Six of Pentacles signifies a relationship where both parties provide mutual support and uplift each other, creating a harmonious and balanced partnership.
  • Compassion: It emphasizes the importance of compassion and the desire to understand and support each other’s needs and desires.
Career and Finances

The Six of Pentacles is a positive omen in career and financial matters. It represents the importance of generosity, balance, and fairness in your professional and financial interactions. It encourages you to share your resources and support others in their endeavors.

  • Generosity: The Six of Pentacles signifies the importance of generosity in your career and financial matters. It encourages you to share your resources, knowledge, and time with others.
  • Balance: This card emphasizes the value of finding balance and fairness in your professional and financial interactions. It suggests a focus on equitable distribution and fair treatment.
  • Support: The Six of Pentacles highlights the significance of supporting and uplifting others in your professional environment. It encourages you to foster a collaborative and compassionate mindset.
  • Fairness: It signifies the importance of fairness and equity in your financial dealings and the need to ensure that both giving and receiving are in harmony.
Personal Growth and Spirituality

In terms of personal growth and spirituality, the Six of Pentacles symbolizes the journey towards cultivating generosity, compassion, and balance. It encourages you to focus on giving and receiving with an open heart and to foster a sense of fairness and equity in your interactions.

  • Generosity: The Six of Pentacles emphasizes the importance of cultivating generosity and the willingness to share your resources, time, and energy with others.
  • Compassion: This card highlights the value of compassion and the desire to support and uplift those in need. It encourages you to foster a compassionate and understanding mindset.
  • Balance: The Six of Pentacles signifies the importance of finding balance in giving and receiving and ensuring that both aspects are in harmony.
  • Fairness: It encourages you to cultivate a sense of fairness and equity in your interactions and to treat others with respect and kindness.

Astrological References and Related Card Combinations

The Six of Pentacles is often associated with Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) due to its focus on material aspects and practicality. It can also be linked to the planet Venus, which represents abundance, love, and generosity.

Astrological References:

  • Earth Signs: The practical and grounded nature of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn aligns well with the Six of Pentacles. These signs are known for their focus on stability, hard work, and material success.
  • Venus: The planet of love, beauty, and abundance, Venus’s energy complements the Six of Pentacles’ themes of generosity and fairness.

Related Card Combinations:

  • The Two of Pentacles: When paired with the Two of Pentacles, the Six of Pentacles signifies the balance between giving and receiving and the importance of managing resources effectively. This combination emphasizes the need for harmony and balance in your interactions.
  • The Empress: This combination highlights the nurturing and abundant energy of the Six of Pentacles. It suggests a focus on generosity, compassion, and the cultivation of a supportive environment.
  • The Justice Card: Together, these cards represent fairness, equity, and the importance of balanced and just interactions. This combination emphasizes the value of treating others with respect and ensuring equitable distribution.


The Six of Pentacles is a powerful card that symbolizes generosity, balance, and the importance of giving and receiving. By understanding its meanings and symbolism, you can harness its energy to create a life of harmony, fairness, and compassion. Remember to stay generous, balanced, and focused on equitable treatment in your interactions, and trust in the power of giving and receiving with an open heart.

By embracing the lessons of the Six of Pentacles, you can cultivate a life of generosity, compassion, and balance. Stay committed to fostering fairness and equity in your relationships, support others in their endeavors, and believe in your ability to create a harmonious and fulfilling life.


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